Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Hello! I have the strong urge to act like the terribly cliche, overly enthusiastic traveler and post some greeting in the local language, demonstrating my profound lack of knowledge of that language. But I shan't. Because I'm like that. Well, and because the only phrase I know I learned today, and it means "Good morning." And it's 7:38 at night here... That and you all would want to know what the name of the dialect is... And I don't know how to spell it. :D I did get one of the boys, Lackson, to agree to help me learn some of the local dialect while I am here. 

Anyways, here are some pictures! (Assuming that I can get this to work. I've never tried posting pictures on a blog, and I am technologically illiterate.)

So IF these have uploaded... The first two when put together show the entire school. There are 72 kids here in the village (and almost all are enrolled in school), and there are... I think 34? students who come for school from the community. There are twenty kids in"my" Kindergarten class. Eleven of them are from the community. They are a handful but very sweet!

Update: one of the pictures is messing up the format, so you can see part of the school in the picture below. 

This is Mapalo. He is a day student. He wears this little worried expression--until he smiles. He was making faces, so I had to take this picture.

This is Mackley, the Kindergarten teacher. 

This is Isaac: he's in the preschool class. He is the most laid-back, smiliest preschooler I have ever met. 

This is Esther. This picture does not do her smile justice. Her smile is about three times as big in person. I wanted to capture her beautiful smile, but she wouldn't smile as big when I whipped out the camera. A lot of the kids will pose when I pull out the camera, so I had to tell Isaac (see picture above) to get back into his natural pose, because he started to straighten and grin, because he saw me coming with my camera. 

This is Patrick. He likes to play with my hair. I was kneeling next to him, when I felt a hand pulling on my hair. I turned, and he was laughing and rubbing my hair against his cheek. I have been asked: "Is that the hair you were born with?" Meaning, "Have you ever cut it?" And "Have you ever cut it short?"

This is Dalitso. He is in the Kindergarten class.


  1. Yay, pictures!! : ) I'm so glad you were able to post some, and I really hope that you can continue to post more while you are there...the kids are really cute, and those smiles totally light up their faces. I'd love to see pics of the general area where you are staying, too, if you get the chance to take them and post them.

    I'm really enjoying reading your blog.....I'm so glad you decided to do one and so, so happy that your trip is going well overall. (heard you were sick, though...that's a bummer, hope u r feeling better now)

    Aunt Tammie

  2. I will definitely be posting more! I have a ton I've been taking. :) I will try to post some of the general area soon.

    Thank you! It is going amazingly well. I love it here.
    Yes, I had the flu, but it didn't last too long--I'm all the way better now. It was a miserable but thankfully short bug.

  3. This is so amazing Megan! I continue to pray for you and the children! God is so good and I can't wait to hear more! Eli and I read your blog together, he is very interested in your trip! Much love in Christ! Jamie

  4. Thank you so much, Miss Jamie! (And Elijah :D )
